Roudolphe Douala is 39 years old (birthdate: September 25, 1978).
The original question was too long to copy in. It was: "The sum of the ages of Old and Young is 48. Old is twice as old as young was when old was half as old as young will be when young is three times as old as old was when old was three times as old as young How old is old?" There is a rather strenuous algebraic solution.The answer is :Old is 30, Young is 18When Old was 18, Young was 6; when Old was 27 (1/2 of 54), Young was 15, and Old is twice that.If you change the sum to 32, then the ages become 20 and 12.When Old was 12, Young was 4; when Old was 18 (1/2 of 36), Young was 10.In each case, Old is always 5/3 as old as Young and 5/8 of the sum.
You are 0 years old. You are 5 months old. You are 20 weeks old. You are 135 days old. You are 3,252 hours old
6576 days old and 9 years old
0.14 centuries old,1.4 decades old,14 years old,168 months old,730.484 weeks old,5113.39 days old,122721 hours old,7.363e+6 minutes old, 4.418e+8 seconds old, 4.418e+11 milliseconds old,4.418e+14 microseconds old, and 4.418e+17 nono seconds old.
If you were 3000 years old you would be 3000 years old.
Albion Roudolph Foster was born on 1875-11-24.
Albion Roudolph Foster died on 1945-02-06.
Sorry but no
only if u believe
Roudolph Virchow was called the "father of modern pathology." He was a German doctor, anthropologist, pathologist, prehistorian, biologist, and politician. Ruldolph is one of the founders of social medicine and was known for his medical advancement.
Roudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, I think
Roudolph /\ Donner - Blitzen | | Comet - Cupid | | Prancer - Vixen | | Dasher - Danser | | | /\ [Santa]
dasher dancer Prancer Vixon comet cupid donner blixton roudolph hobos are tacos .
Well, I'm sorry... That question can't be answered On
he is male because at the begining of the show his parents refer to him as him.they sgiuld know!
Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen Rudolph
Rudolph. (A red nosed reindeer) Or Randolph (Gerald Randolph Pond)