If you were born in 1992, you will turn 18 in 2010.
2010 - 1951 = 59
If the 99-year-old hasn't yet celebrated a birthday in 2010, he/she was born in 1910. If the 99-year-old has already celebrated a birthday in 2010, he/she was born in 1911.
33 years old in February 2010.
If you turned 84 in 2010, you were born in 1926.
It will be 2010-1993. So you would be 17 years old if you were born in 1993.
If you were born in 1992, you will turn 18 in 2010.
As of 2010, you will be 17 years old. (2010 minus 1993 = 17).
If you were born in 1996 you would be 14 years old going on 15 in 2010.
As of 2010, anyone born in 1964 is 46 years old. (2010 minus 1964 = 46).
In 2010 you will be 46 years old. (2010 minus 1964 = 46)
2010 - 1951 = 59
If someone was born in 1969 they would be 41 years old in 2010. 2010 - 1969 = 41
If the 99-year-old hasn't yet celebrated a birthday in 2010, he/she was born in 1910. If the 99-year-old has already celebrated a birthday in 2010, he/she was born in 1911.
33 years old in February 2010.
If you were born in 1953 you would turn 57 in 2010.