A person who is born in 1959 would turn 57 in 2016.
You would either be 9 or 10 - depending on when you were actually born.
Someone born in 1941 will turn 75 in 2016.
188 based on calculation undertaken in 2016
2016 − 1994 = 22 year old on your 2016 birthday.
A person who is born in 1959 would turn 57 in 2016.
2016 − 1954 = 62 years old in June 2016
Subtract 2016-1989 and you will have you answer.
A person born in 1958 will turn 58 in 2016.
You would either be 9 or 10 - depending on when you were actually born.
Someone born in 1941 will turn 75 in 2016.
188 based on calculation undertaken in 2016
To get someone's age you subtract 2016 from 1968. This will give you the age.
They are 43 years of age. The solution: 2016 - 1973 = 43. Simple math.
If you were born in 1947, you would be 68 years old in 2015.
If you were born in 1947 you will be 63 on and after your birthday in 2010.
2016 − 1936 = 80 years old