A person who is born in 1959 would turn 57 in 2016.
2009 - 1941 = 68 on their birthday in 2009
You would either be 9 or 10 - depending on when you were actually born.
188 based on calculation undertaken in 2016
A person born in 1947 will turn 69 in 2016.
A person who is born in 1959 would turn 57 in 2016.
2009 - 1941 = 68 on their birthday in 2009
You would either be 9 or 10 - depending on when you were actually born.
188 based on calculation undertaken in 2016
A person born in 1947 will turn 69 in 2016.
2016 − 1954 = 62 years old in June 2016
2009 = 2016 - 7
In 2016 you would be 74 years old. 2016 - 1942 = 74
Subtract 2016-1989 and you will have you answer.
In 2116.
They are 43 years of age. The solution: 2016 - 1973 = 43. Simple math.
A person born in 1958 will turn 58 in 2016.