If you were born in 1984, your age is 38 years now
2012 - 1995: If you were born from Jan 1 to Aug 22, 1995, you are 17 years old now. If you were born from Aug 23 to Dec 31, 1995, you are 16 years old now.
Since the person was born on December 1, 1953, and it is now December 2012, we can subtract the years to get 59 (2012 - 1953 = 59). We know they've had their birthday for that year since December 1 has already passed in December 2012, confirming they are 59 years old.
They would be 32
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1962 turns 47.
Born Dec 20th 1990, you do the math
She was born in 1984 and she is now 26
He is 37 years old now (He was born on Dec 11th 1974)
If you were born in 1984, your age is 38 years now
born May 14, 1984
If you are now 26 you were born in 1984.
Not any more. He's 15 now. He was born Dec. 3rd, 1995.
You would be 12 on Dec 8; 11 right now.
Scooter Smiff was born dec 6th 1995 so he is 15 now and will be 16 at the end of 2011
Olmo Omerzu was born in 1984, in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia [now Slovenia].
Anya Monzikova was born in 1984, in Vologda, USSR [now Russia].
Adam Olha was born in 1984, in Kosice, Czechoslovakia [now Slovakia].