During the year 2010, someone born in December 1984 is 26 years old.
They will be 26 this year.
Saying you were born on august 1, 1983. You would be 26 years and 8 months old.
uf a t
If you were born in 1999, subtract your birth year from the target year (2025) to determine your age. Therefore, you would be 26 years old in 2025.
If someone was born on January 26, 1959, they would be 55 years old this year.
As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 26 years old you were born in the year 1983.
During the year 2010, someone born in December 1984 is 26 years old.
he is 26 years old i know nothing else
Karan Kundra, an Indian television actor, was born October 11 and the year was 1984. He is 26 years old.
If you were born in 1970 you are 39 years old on your birthday in 2009.
He was born July 26, 1943. That makes him 66 years old.
26 years old
if you are 26 in 2010 then you would be born on 1984and if you are 26 on 2000 then you will be born on 1974
lil bitts is 26 years old goinng on to 27 this year in October 31 st. She was born in a church.