If you were born August 4, 1961 as of today - January 7, 2010 - you would be 48 years and 156 days old.
2017 − 1961 = 56 years old on the person's birthday in 2017.
17 years old
right now they woulc be 16 but in August they will turn 17
As of August 5, 2010, someone born on October 25, 1991 would be 18 years old.
The 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama, II, was born on Friday, August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM in Hawaii to Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham Obama. He is a natural born US citizen.
Michelle Obama was born in Chicago on January 17, 1964.
Susan Olsen was born on August 14, 1961
August 4, 1961
He was born born August 4, 1961. That would make him 47 years old.
As of March 2012, someone born in August 1986 would be 25 years old.
you would have to be born somewhere around mid. august. i know that because i am a leo and i was born on august 15.
I was born!
The Edge was born on August 8, 1961.