16, if your birthday was on or before today
Calculated from 2010, your age is 16 years. (2010 minus 1994 = 16).
If they are born in Jan- Jun 1994, they would be 16 by Jan - Jun 2004 and if they are born in July- Dec 1994, they would be 16 by July - Dec 2004.
16, if your birthday was on or before today
16If you are born in 1994 you would be 16 i believe16
You would be 16 years old now..
you would be 16 years old
16 years old
Calculated from 2010, your age is 16 years. (2010 minus 1994 = 16).
If you were born in December 1994 you will turn 16 in December 2010.
As of October 2010, you would be 16 years old.
If they are born in Jan- Jun 1994, they would be 16 by Jan - Jun 2004 and if they are born in July- Dec 1994, they would be 16 by July - Dec 2004.
If you were born on 6/16/1994, you would be 20 years old as of June 16, 2014. In the year 2024, you would turn 40 years old.
you would about to be turning 16 so u would be 15