You would be 36 years old. Then you would be 37 in 2012
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
it depends what month your birthday is in but on your birthday in 2035 you will be 36
If you were born in 1984, your age is 38 years now
Assuming someone had already had their birthday, taking this year as 2010, they would be 37 years old. If they had not yet had their birthday, they would be 36 years old.
you would be 36 years old
you would be 36 years old
You would be 36 years old. Then you would be 37 in 2012
I think you would be 36 years old.
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
3 years old
A person born in 1973 would be 36 years old on his or her birthday in 2009.
35 or 36 depends when your birthday is
For people born on January 30, 1980 as of 6/18/16 they would be 36 years old..
As of November 2011, someone born in February 1975 will be 36 years old.
If you were born in 1986 and it is currently 2022, you would be 36 years old.