If you're talking about 993 AD/CE you would be 1,018 years old, and would be turning 1,019 in September this year. If it was in BC/BCE you would be 2,011 years old, and would be turning 2,012 in September this year.
If you were born in September 1980 you would currently be 29; but in September you will be 30.
You would be 73, 74 in September.
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
You would be 32 years old and turning 33 in September.
Being June 2011 you would be turning 12 this year if you were born in September 1999
How old would you be today if you were born on september 7 1945
If you were born in September 1980 you would currently be 29; but in September you will be 30.
You would be 73, 74 in September.
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
You would be 32 years old and turning 33 in September.
You would almost be 34 years old.
That would be your 42nd birthday.
Thirteen years old on September 2nd 2010.