2009 - 1936 = 73
If you were born in September 1980 you would currently be 29; but in September you will be 30.
You would be 73 or 74 depending on when the birthday is.
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
You would be 32 years old and turning 33 in September.
2016 − 1936 = 80 years old
How old would you be today if you were born on september 7 1945
Dickey Lee is 80 years old (born Royden Lipscomb, September 21, 1936).
2009 - 1936 = 73
If you were born in September 1980 you would currently be 29; but in September you will be 30.
You would celebrate your 77th birthday !
Troy Donahue was born on January 27, 1936
You would be 73 or 74 depending on when the birthday is.
Ian Abercrombie died at 77 years old on January 26, 2012. He was born on September 11, 1936.
Lu Xun was born on September 25, 1881 and died on October 19, 1936. Lu Xun would have been 55 years old at the time of death or 133 years old today.
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.