If you were born in 1992, then
-- in 2011, until your birthday, you're 18 years old.
-- on your birthday in 2011, you turn 19.
How old would you be if you were born on August 15 1992
19 years old.(this is how old Miley Cyrus is because she was born is 1992 and its 2011)
If you were born in 1992, you would be (turning) 23 years old in 2015.
you would turn 17
19 years old (:
How old would you be if you were born on August 15 1992
If you were born in March of 1992 you would be the following ages:199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
19 years old.(this is how old Miley Cyrus is because she was born is 1992 and its 2011)
You would be 17 years old.
If you were born in 1992, you would be (turning) 23 years old in 2015.
He was born in 1889, so in 1992 he would have been 103 years old.
you would turn 17
19 years old.
19 years old (:
21 in 2013.