As of 2014, you would be 9 years old
If you had lived until after your birthday in 2005, you would have been 89 years old when you died. If not, you would have been 88 years old.
You would turn 8 in 2013.
The Size of my doodoo
If you were born on August the 9th 1998, you would be 6 years old before your birthday and 7 years old after your birthday. It depends on what day of 2005 you are talking about.
As of 2014, you would be 9 years old
If you had lived until after your birthday in 2005, you would have been 89 years old when you died. If not, you would have been 88 years old.
She would be 96. She died in 2005.
You would turn 8 in 2013.
The Size of my doodoo
If you were born on August the 9th 1998, you would be 6 years old before your birthday and 7 years old after your birthday. It depends on what day of 2005 you are talking about.
If you were born in July 2005, and today is before your birthday in July, you would currently be 15 years old. If today is after your birthday in July, you would be 16 years old.
In 2020 you would be born in 2005 if your 15.
As of today (20/06/2016) you would be 11 years old.
If you graduated in the Class of 2005, you would typically be around 18 or 19 years old. This is because students in the United States typically graduate from high school at around 17 or 18 years old, depending on their birthdate and when they started school. Therefore, if you graduated in the Class of 2005, you would likely be in your early 30s today.