If you read the question you will see that you need more detail before it can be answered.
As of that date in 2012, you would be 31. As of that date in 2013, you would be 32.
Assuming the current date of March 2012, you would be 43 years old.
If you were born earlier in the year, you would currently be 16. If you were born later in the year, you would be turning 16. (This is with a current date of 2012.)
406 as of the date of this answer (9/30/2012). 5 November 2012 would be that person's 407th birthday.
2012 - 1992 = 20 years (in general, not knowing the month and date)
If I were born in October 1981, I would be 39 years old.
As of that date in 2012, you would be 31. As of that date in 2013, you would be 32.
as of this date you would be 32 in the year 2012
Assuming the current date of March 2012, you would be 43 years old.
On today's date, 1st September 2012, you would be 39 years old.
If you were born earlier in the year, you would currently be 16. If you were born later in the year, you would be turning 16. (This is with a current date of 2012.)
you would be 14 in hat year but i dont know if it was a date and day
The date today is 26th August 2012 and if you were born on 25th July 1991 you would be 21 years and one month old.
To find out how old you are to this day (05/10/12), simply take the current date (2012) and subtract the original date (1820) from the original date. For this example, the answer comes out to be 192. Of course, if you were born in 1820, you would not be alive today.
406 as of the date of this answer (9/30/2012). 5 November 2012 would be that person's 407th birthday.
If I am 100 years old, I would have been born 100 years ago from the current date.