Money is a quantified unit of dollars and cents, or whatever currency that is in use in your country. Math is used at the following places:
The computer tallies the total amount of the prices of the items that you buy. You hand over money and get change back..
Deposits, withdrawals, and interest rates require math to calculate.
The price of stocks, as well as other parameters for a publicly traded company is based on some very complicated mathematical models
Business (in general):
Revenue - costs = profit is pretty simple, but costs can be complicated to figure out. You have production costs, materials cost (if applicable), labor cost + benefits cost for those employees, facilities (lease, rent), electricity, etc...
Employee Paycheck:
In the United States, we have something called an income tax where a portion of one's income is taxed at a certain percentage based on how much one makes. There are federal and state income taxes, social security taxes, medicare, disability, healthcare contributions, etc.
All of these require math to calculate. The biggest thing to remember is when money is involved, there is no limit to the amount of math that can be used to keep that money.
money is related to math in India because the only math they di their is on money because of how much people are fond of money there
the banks use math so they can get their pay and count money
Counting their money?
Counting their money?
a singer could use math to count there money. they could also use it to calculate there taxes and things
money is related to math in India because the only math they di their is on money because of how much people are fond of money there
for fashion show models.. they use math for counting their money..
the banks use math so they can get their pay and count money
yes even when u buy something u are doing maths. we need math for everyday life. with out math you woul not know if their are stealing your money.
they dont use much math they only count there money
Count their money
Counting their money?
Counting their money?
Everywhere !... Two basic examples would be - Going shopping - you need to know if you have enough money to pay for whatever you're buying. Arranging a appointment - you'd need to be able to work out how long it is before you need to get there.
a singer could use math to count there money. they could also use it to calculate there taxes and things
They have to manage the money they earn.
people usually use logic in math and math in logic