

What kinds of math do bankers use?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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they dont use much math they only count there money

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Q: What kinds of math do bankers use?
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What type of math do bankers use?

subtract divide multiply addition

What does bankers have to do with math?

Bankers count money and calculate how much to give you.

How does bankers us math?

They have a machine that counts the money of what ever number the bankers type in

Is math required to become a cardiologist?

One way they use math is by calculating a person's blood pressure. Math is used daily by just about everyone.

How is math used in career of banker?

well... bankers use math all the time. they use it to find the interest. example: the person borrows 1000 dollars from the bank and say the interest is 2% monthly, so the banker can use math in that case. Also, when the banker invests on things, they use math to predict what their profit is, it can be negative ( a loss of money) or they can gain.

How does a banker use math?

Bankers do all sorts of math, from simple addition and subtraction to complicated problems including compound interest, for example. Math is essential to any banking job. Today though, most of the math is done on computers, not by hand or by humans at all.

What occupations use math skills on a daily basis?

Most, if not all, occupations use Math to some degree. It is easy to presume that scientists, teachers, accountants, bankers, doctors, etc. would use math, but even store clerks have to count change back to customers, and shelf stockers have to calculate how many boxes or cans will fit within a defined area of space. The list of occupations that do not use Math, if any exist, would be much shorter.

What professions might use the scientific notation?

People who work with very large or very small numbers. Apart from all kinds of scientists, these would include economists, bankers.

Why do bankers use spread sheets?

bankers use spreadsheets for counting up money and keeping track of how much there is all together.

What type of math is used in a bankers job?

Arithmetic , algebra, some differential equations might occur in analysis.

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Do bankers use fractions?

Yes, bankers use fractions because fractions are the same as percentage. and they need percentage for exact change and for knowing how much money is in the safe.