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how place on earth may be located using coordinate system

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Q: How places on earth located using coordinate system?
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An application of coordinate geometry?

by using coordinate geometry you can find the position of a place in earth by using the pictures taken by satellites.

Does an octopus live on latitude or longitude lines?

Every point on earth has both a latitude coordinate and a longitude coordinate. That's how you tell people where the point is, even if they're not there.

What do cartographers do with coordinate planes?

They project the surface of a sphere (the Earth) using a projection. Often the latitudes and longitudes are mapped onto the coordinate plane for small area but such projections distort shapes when mapping larger areas.

What is the difference between a 4-digit reference and a 6 digit reference?

To locate points on the Earth's surface, we can use either rectangular coordinate system or geographic coordinate system.4digit or 6 digit reference systems are under rectangular ( projected) system.Their difference lies in assigning Easting and Northing. 4 digit RS uses 2 Easting numbers and 2Northing numbers to show the location of points where as 6 digit uses 3 Easting and 3 Northing numbers. If there is any Hesitation please Well come.

What type of coordinate system is represented by the vertical and horizontal lines on a map?

On a map that shows only a small part of the Earth's surface, the coordinate gridlooks like Cartesian " X and Y " coordinates. But as the map shows more and moreof the Earth, it starts to become apparent that the "lines" of latitude and longitudeactually represent polar coordinates on a sphere of constant radius.On a map that's sufficiently accurate, your first clue is this: Carefully measure thedistance between two of the 'vertical' lines, at the bottom of the map, and thenmeasure the distance between the same two lines at the top of the map. The twomeasurements are slightly different, because on a map of the full Earth, the 'vertical'lines all meet, at the north and south poles.

Related questions

HOW places on earth may be located using a coordinate system?

all of them

How places on the earth may be located using coordinate system?

Places on Earth can be located using a coordinate system, such as latitude and longitude. Latitude measures a location's distance north or south of the equator, while longitude measures its distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. By combining these coordinates, any point on Earth's surface can be pinpointed with accuracy.

Which coordinate in the horizon coordinate system is similar to longitude in the geographic coordinate system?

In the horizon coordinate system, azimuth is similar to longitude in the geographic coordinate system. Azimuth represents the direction of an object in degrees along the horizon, similar to how longitude represents the east-west position on Earth's surface.

The network of lines of latitude and longitude that make up the coordinate system of earth?

grid system

How do geographers describe where things are?

Geographers use a coordinate system based on latitude and longitude to describe the precise location of places on Earth. They also use descriptors like relative location (e.g., north of, to the left of) and regions (e.g., the Midwest, the tropics) to provide context for where things are located in relation to other places.

Why are latitude and longitude important in the study of geography?

Geography is the study of the Earth's surface features and processes. In geography, it is important to locate these features on the surface of the planet. To do this you have to have some sort of coordinate system. Latitude and longitude are this system they enable maps of earth to be made and for airplanes and ships to get to places on the planet.

How important rectangular coordinate system?

The rectangular coordinate system is the basis for how we find locations on a map, for example (even though the earth is actually a sphere, this was a basis). I would say it is rather important.

Which One of the oldest systematic methods of location is based upon which system?

The geographic coordinate system

One of the oldest systematic methods of location is based upon which system?

The oldest systematic method of location is based upon the geographic coordinate system, which uses latitude and longitude to pinpoint specific locations on Earth.

How are the equator and prime meridian used?

They are the axes of the coordinate system that is used for places on the earth's surface. Every point on the earth's surface is a certain number of degrees east or west of the prime meridian (its longitude) and a certain number of degrees north or south of the equator (its latitude).

What is the buoy located in O Latitude 0 Longitude?

The buoy located at O Latitude 0 Longitude is known as the "Zero Buoy" or the "Equator Buoy." It marks the precise location of the Equator, where the Earth's latitude is 0 degrees.

What places on Earth are located below sea level?

Some places on Earth that are located below sea level include the Dead Sea, the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, and the Salton Sea in California.