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Q: What is used to locate a place using a coordinate system?
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How places on earth located using coordinate system?

how place on earth may be located using coordinate system

What is Absolute lacation?

an absolute location is locating a place using a coordinate system. or the address of the place your looking for

What is the difference between a places absolute location and its relative?

Relative location means to locate a place relative to the point of view of a viewer while absolute location is locating a place using a coordinate system. An example of relative location: The house is to your right. Or, the house is right in front of you.Absolute location would be the location using a coordinate system or other independent system of landmarks. Example: their house is located at 56.4 degrees North and 34.8 degrees west. Or, the house is at 551 Broad Street.An absolute location cannot be determined easy. The only way it can be determined is by reference to some base or origin.

An application of coordinate geometry?

by using coordinate geometry you can find the position of a place in earth by using the pictures taken by satellites.

What is making a graph using pairs of numbers to locate positions on a coordinate plane?

the set of numbers is called an ordered pair,

HOW places on earth may be located using a coordinate system?

all of them

What is another name for a coordinate plane?

Another name for a coordinate plane is a Cartesian plane. It is named after the mathematician and philosopher René Descartes, who introduced the concept of using two perpendicular number lines to locate points in space. The horizontal line is called the x-axis, and the vertical line is called the y-axis. Points are located on the plane using ordered pairs (x, y).

What is the difference between a places absolute location and relative location?

Relative location means to locate a place relative to the point of view of a viewer while absolute location is locating a place using a coordinate system. An example of relative location: The house is to your right. Or, the house is right in front of you.Absolute location would be the location using a coordinate system or other independent system of landmarks. Example: their house is located at 56.4 degrees North and 34.8 degrees west. Or, the house is at 551 Broad Street.An absolute location cannot be determined easy. The only way it can be determined is by reference to some base or origin.

How do you locate books in the library?

using the dewy decimal system.

How do you locate a place on globe?

Using Lat/Long coordinates.

How do you locate and manipulate files using the Operating System Windows?

You don't

Does using latitude and longitude help locate a place on the earth?
