Well, it just does. If you have a problem with that, then that's your problem, don't kill wikianswers.
sexual reproduction
To calculate the probabilities of compound events, you can use the multiplication rule or the addition rule, depending on whether the events are independent or mutually exclusive. The multiplication rule is used when the events are independent, and you multiply the probabilities of the individual events. The addition rule is used when the events are mutually exclusive, and you add the probabilities of the individual events.
I do not add probabilities to anybody!
Empirical probabilities.
it would be 5
sexual reproduction
Because the theory of coin flipping is well understood and so theoretical probabilities can be used.
A tree diagram!
To calculate the probabilities of compound events, you can use the multiplication rule or the addition rule, depending on whether the events are independent or mutually exclusive. The multiplication rule is used when the events are independent, and you multiply the probabilities of the individual events. The addition rule is used when the events are mutually exclusive, and you add the probabilities of the individual events.
I do not add probabilities to anybody!
Empirical probabilities.
Sum of all probabilities is 1.
Gwerth Probablitiy
it would be 5
They are used to map points on a graph and are used to make real maps as well as graph probabilities and distances.
Statistical Probabilities was created on 1997-11-22.
hello I ask my question plz take it seriously plz reply me soon