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Q: How rank correlation formula is used in an organisation?
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Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for grouped data?

Although Spearman's rank correlation coefficient puts a numerical value between the linear association between two variables, it can only be used for data that has not been grouped.

Correlation coefficient using kuder richardson formula 20?

used for internal consistency or error estimation

Spearman-Brown formula ptherwise called as split half method?

not otherwise....split half method is one way of determining reliability of your test and Spearman-Brown formula is a technique used to re-calculate the correlation of your test when you split your test items into half.... this means that the result of Spearman-Brown provides you the correlation of your test in full length.

What graphs can you use to measure correlation?

A scatter graph can be used to establish whether or not there is correlation and to get an approximate idea as to its strength. But no graph will actually measure correlation.

What is the difference between correlation coefficient and chi square?

correlation is used when there is metric data and chi square is used when there is categorized data. sayan chakrabortty

What is meant by correlation in Digital Signal processors?

correlation is a technique of correlating two signals with each other and producing the third signal. In correlation if two different signals are used it is called cross correlation and if same signal is correlated with itself it is called as auto correlation.

What is a correlation experiment?

Experiment used to quantify a trend

Is Fisher exact test used for calculating correlation?


A Correlation coefficient is a number used to describe?


Which correlation should be used to measure the relationship between gender and grade point average for a group of college students?

pearson correlation

What does correlation tell us?

Correlation is a statistical technique that is used to measure and describe the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.

How do you calculate RMS value using Microsoft Excel?

You can use the correlation coefficient to calculate the RMSE value using the Microsoft Excel. The correlation coefficient is used to establish the relationship between the values in question.