

How sailors used the compass?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: How sailors used the compass?
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What device was used by sailors to determine direction?

The Compass-

How did the compass help sailors.?

A compass tells sailors which direction they are going in (North, South, East, or West). This helps the sailors not to get lost and to keep on track to their destination.

How navigators and sailors use magnetic compass in preparing route maps?

how the navigators and sailors use compass to find direction

How do sailors use compass?

how they use the compass it so they won't get lost

Why do pilots and sailors use a compass?

Pilots and sailors first instrument used in flying and sailing was a compass so they could orient themselves in what direction they've been heading and should head based on time and speed.

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the compass

Why did the Chinese sailors use a lodestone?

Chinese sailors used a lodestone as a compass for navigation because lodestones are naturally magnetized stones that can align themselves with the Earth's magnetic field. This property allowed them to determine the direction they were traveling in, aiding in their exploration and trade expeditions.

What prevented sailors from getting lost without modern technology?

Sailors used celestial navigation techniques, such as using the positions of stars, sun, and moon, to determine their location at sea. They also relied on landmarks, compasses, and maps to navigate their way. Additionally, they would track the movement of ocean currents and bird migrations to help guide them on their journey.

What is a binnacle used for?

A binnacle is a stand on a ship's deck for a compass and a light to illuminate it. It is used to house and protect the ship's compass, helping sailors navigate by providing a stable and visible reference point.

Did Sir Walter Raleigh use a compass to know where he was going?

He probably used a sextent, which is what sailors would use

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