

How solve the root 2?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: How solve the root 2?
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There's nothing to solve. If it equaled something, you could solve it. For example, if x^2 - 28 = 0, then x = the square root of 28, which simplifies to plus or minus 2 times the square root of 7.

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Yes and x = 2+square root of 6 or x = 2-square root of 6

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You can solve this in two steps: 1) Calculate the square root with a calculator. 2) Compare.

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No, pi is not used to solve a square root problem.

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Surds are irrational square root numbers that cannot be solved but they can be simplified. For example the square root of 12 can be simplified to 2 times the square root of 3.

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It is: 6 square root 5 and it's just like adding fractions with the same denominators

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This question cannot be answered. You will have to give me the number to the square root. * * * * * a = ±sqrt(c^2 - b^2)

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It doesn't factor neatly. If you solve it, you get the square root of 12/7 which is either 2 times the square root of 3/7 or -2 times the square root of 3/7

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