5 feet 7.72 inches.
172 cm = 5.6 feet.
172 cm = 5feet 7.2inches (rounded)
In British measurement 172cm is 5.9"If you mean how much is 5.9 inches in centimetres, to convert inches to centimetres multiply by 2.54.So 5.9 inches is 14.986cm or approximately 15cm
48" tall.
172cm maybe.
172cm or 5'8 feet.
In some website,172cm. In other,169cm.
No, i'm 174cm and 57kg and i'm thin.
i am 172cm, i weigh 57Kg and i think it is normal.
I think Dmitry is 172cm Wikipedia says Dmitry Medvedev is 5 ft 4 in.
It is: 172 cm = 1.72 metres
Michelle Malkin is 40 years old (birthdate: October 20, 1970).
66.9 inches (170cm / 2.54cm per inch)
5 feet 7.72 inches.
172 cm = 5.6 feet.
172 cm = 5feet 7.2inches (rounded)