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1/4 of what?

1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4=1 whole

So, if each nickel is 1/4 cm, then 4 nickels would be 1 cm

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Q: How tall is the a stack of 4 nickels if one is 1 fourth?
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How many nickels equal one hundred dollars?

it is really 2000 nickels i am pretty smart for a fourth grader but that is it have a nice day and don't cheat on your homework

How many nickels does it take to make a stack of the same height as one nickel on its edge?

Thickness = 1.95 mmDiameter = 21.21 mmSo stack size = 21.21/1.95 = 10.88 or nearly 11 nickels.Thickness = 1.95 mmDiameter = 21.21 mmSo stack size = 21.21/1.95 = 10.88 or nearly 11 nickels.Thickness = 1.95 mmDiameter = 21.21 mmSo stack size = 21.21/1.95 = 10.88 or nearly 11 nickels.Thickness = 1.95 mmDiameter = 21.21 mmSo stack size = 21.21/1.95 = 10.88 or nearly 11 nickels.

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I have heard that there are $232 per inch.

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How high a stack of one dollar bills in a trillion dollars?

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How tall is a stack of 10 pennies in centimeters?

A stack of 10 pennies (US or Canadian) is 1.5 centimeters.

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Approximately 4.3 inches tall.

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How tall is 360?

a stack of one million $1 bills.

How tall is 65 one fourth inches?

5' 5¼"

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2 millimeters

How tall is the worlds tallest marker stack?

mine i made one once and it was.... wait 3 mins lol