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Q: How the effect of random uncertainties can be reduced?
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Why is calculating average important?

To get an approximate value to the real one because there are many systematic and random uncertainties

What are the natural random uncertainties in reading your thermometer and balance?

Natural random uncertainties in reading a thermometer can arise from fluctuations in temperature caused by airflow or uneven heating. For a balance, natural random uncertainties can stem from vibrations in the environment or slight variations in the mass of the object being measured.

What will be the effect on friction when contact points are reduced?

No effect

Can you give me a sentence with the word uncertainties in it?

Life is full of uncertainties. We have no plans, the uncertainties are part of the fun.

What are dynamical uncertainties?

Dynamical uncertainties refer to uncertainties associated with the behavior of dynamic systems, such as simulations or models. These uncertainties arise due to the complexity of the system dynamics, inherent variability, and limitations in understanding the underlying processes. Addressing dynamical uncertainties involves quantifying and managing uncertainties in system behavior to improve the accuracy and reliability of predictions and decisions.

Is the word reduced positive or negative?

Reduced can be positive or negative. For example, "His allowance was reduced because he did not do his chores. As positive, The tension was reduced when they talked about their problems. Though both mean "lessened," in the first example, it has a negative effect, but in the second example, the effect is positive.

Would it be this uncertainty or this uncertainties?

It would be this uncertainty or, if more than one, these uncertainties..

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Genetic drift is the random fluctuation of gene frequencies in a population due to chance events. It can lead to changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time, particularly in smaller populations.

How do you minimize the Ferranti effect?

The Ferranti effect is reduced by using shunt reactors and series capacitors.

Are world events random in red dead redemption?

Most events are random yes but some actually effect the story

What is three fifths reduced?

the same thing three fifths i agree it is already simplified -random chick