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The slope of a curved line at a point is the slope of the tangent to the curve at that point.

If you know the equation of the curve and the curve is well behaved, you can find the derivative of the equation of the curve. The value of the derivative, at the point in question, is the slope of the curved line at that point.

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Q: How the slope of a curved line at a point can be found?
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What is the slope of a curve line?

The slope of a curved line changes as you go along the curve and so you may have a different slope at each point. Any any particular point, the slope of the curve is the slope of the straight line which is tangent to the curve at that point. If you know differential calculus, the slope of a curved line at a point is the value of the first derivative of the equation of the curve at that point. (Actually, even if you don't know differential calculus, the slope is still the value of the function's first derivative at that point.)

What does the slope of the line on a posiition vs time graph tell you about an objects speed?

Slope at any point is speed. if slope is constant (staight line)then speed is constant; if curved up speed is accelerating. If curved down it is decelerating

How do you tell whether a graph shows a constant or variable rate of change?

The slope of each point on the line on the graph is the rate of change at that point. If the graph is a straight line, then its slope is constant. If the graph is a curved line, then its slope changes.

The slope of a curved line differs from that of a straight line in that?

Slope of a straight line is the same at all points on the line, whereas for a curved line it changes.

What type of line would be impossible to find using the point slope form method?

A line whose slope is not constant or not defined. A curved line, a discontinuous line, a vertical line are some examples.

What do you need to use the point slope formula?

The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.The slope of a line and the coordinates of a point on the line.

Does a curved line have a fixed value for its slope in economics?

No. This is true for any curved line, not just in economics.

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How do write an equation of a line when given the slope a point of the line?

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What is a slope when dealing with graph?

The slope for a straight line graph is the ratio of the amount by which the graph goes up (the rise) for every unit that it goes to the right (the run). If the graph goes down, the slope is negative. For a curved graph, the gradient at any point is the slope of the tangent to the graph at that point.

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Which of the following is the point-slope equation of the line with a slope equals -4 and a point of -2 3?

How do you get the slope of a line on a graph?

Take a tangent at the point where you want the slope. Then the slope of the graph at that point is the slope of the tangent, which is found by taking another point on the tangent and then taking the change in y between the two points and divid it by the change in x.