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Q: How thick would a million sheets of papers be?
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What is the height of a million sheets of paper?

Assuming a standard sheet of paper is 0.1mm thick, the height of a million sheets of paper stacked on top of each other would be 100 meters (328 feet).

What would you call 500 sheets of paper?

A stack of papers.

How many sheets of polythene would it take to make a stack 6 inches tall?

That would depend on how thick the polythene sheets were.

A pack of 500 sheets of paper is 50mm thick how thick is one sheet?

To find the thickness of one sheet of paper, divide the total thickness of the pack (50mm) by the number of sheets in the pack (500 sheets). Each sheet of paper would be 0.1mm thick.

How many inches thick would 100 pieces of paper be?

A sheet of standard copy paper is about .004 in thick. 100 sheets would therefore have a thickness of about 0.4 in. Modern, lightweight paper sold for home printing is much thinner and 500 sheets have a thickness of 1" approx. So, 100 sheets would be about 0.2 in.

Suppose you have sheets of grid paper that are 5x5 would you need more or less of these sheets than the 10x10 sheets to show one million squares?

depends how big the square is

How much would a million sheets of notebook paper weigh?

Assuming each sheet weighs around 0.1 ounces, a million sheets of notebook paper would weigh approximately 10,000 ounces or about 625 pounds.

How many inches makes a ream of paper?

A Ream is a measure of the NUMBER of sheets of paper (500 sheets) How thick that would be will depend on the weight of the paper. Heavier paper is thicker.

How high a million sheets of paper?

this would be roughly as high as a ten story building

If you folded a peice of paper 50 times and the thickness was .1 mm when you started how thick would it be?

It is physically impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than 8 times. However, assuming you could do it (though it would be easier to cut the pile so far in half and put one half on top of the other), then: After 1 fold the stack has 2 sheets After 2 folds the stack has 4 sheets After 3 folds the stack has 8 sheets After n folds the stack has 2^n sheets After 50 folds the stack will be 2⁵⁰ sheets thick As each sheet is 0.1mm, the stack will be: 2⁵⁰ × 0.1 mm = 112589990684262.4 mm thick = 112589990.6842624 km thick ≈ 1.126 × 10¹¹ m thick

How many sheets of paper would it take to stand as tall as a basketball rim?

Assuming a basketball rim is 10 feet tall, it would take approximately 1,200 sheets of standard letter-size paper stacked on top of each other to reach that height, as each sheet is about 0.0083 inches thick.

Is there something available that would entirely cover a made queen bed - fully made with sheets thick comfortor4 pillows The idea is to have it ready and fresh for guests in a moment.?

Have you tried a King size sheet? Or perhaps sewing a couple of sheets together?