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Q: If you put a million sheets of 30 cm long end to end how many kilometers long would the paper be from beginning to end?
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What is the height of a million sheets of paper?

Assuming a standard sheet of paper is 0.1mm thick, the height of a million sheets of paper stacked on top of each other would be 100 meters (328 feet).

How many sheets of paper are bought by Americans in a year?

Americans buy about 100 million tons of paper each year, which is roughly 2 billion reams of paper. This translates to approximately 10 million sheets of paper bought by Americans each year.

Can you make a single pile containing one million sheets of paper in your school hall?


How high a million sheets of paper?

this would be roughly as high as a ten story building

How much would a million sheets of notebook paper weigh?

Assuming each sheet weighs around 0.1 ounces, a million sheets of notebook paper would weigh approximately 10,000 ounces or about 625 pounds.

Suppose you have sheets of grid paper that are 5x5 would you need more or less of these sheets than the 10x10 sheets to show one million squares?

depends how big the square is

How many sheets of paper are made a year?

Let us do some calculations; About 400 Million Metric Ton paper is made world over every year. If all paper is cut in to 8.5x11 inch sheet and all paper is 70 gm/m2, the total number of sheets per year will be 95 Trillion sheets.

Sheets of paper are in a ream?

There are typically 500 sheets of paper in a ream.

Five hundred sheets of paper is called?

five hundred sheets of paper

What is more reliable average of 150 sheets of paper or 50 sheets of paper?


What is the collective noun in five hundred sheets of paper?

500 sheets = a ream of paper.

If standard ream of paper contains how many sheets?

500 sheets of paper is the International Standard for a ream of paper.