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Handle the real parts and the imaginary parts separately.

Don't try to borrow ("regroup") or carry. It can't be done.

To find the real part of the sum, add the real parts.

To find the real part of the difference, subtract the real parts.

To find the imaginary part of the sum, add the imaginary parts.

To find the imaginary part of the difference, subtract the imaginary parts.

ExampleSuppose you want to add the following complex numbers: 3-2i and -7-6i.

The real part is 3-7, which is -4.

The imaginary part is -2i+(-6i), which is -8i (because -2+(-6)=-8).

So the answer is -4-8i.

It's just like adding expressionsYou've probably done things like (4-7x) + (-6+x). In that case, just pretend i is x when you're doing these problems. (It works for multiplying too, except that when you get an i2 term you should substitute i2 = -1 )
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Q: How to add and subtract complex numbers?
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