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pi*diameter = circumference Rearrange the formula so as the diameter is the subject of the formula: diameter = circumference/pi diameter = 7/pi = 2.228169203

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Q: How to calculate the diameter of a circle when the circumference of the circle is 7?
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What is used to calculate the approximate circumference of a circle?

Approx. circumference = multiply diameter by 22 and divide the product by 7. Exact circumference = Pi x diameter.

How do you calculate circumference of a circle using fractions as pi?

Pi is 22/7. Therefore, the equation for finding the circumference of a circle using fractions is: 22/7 mutiplied by the diameter of the circle :)

What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 7 ft?

Circumference of the circle = 7*pi feet

How do you calculate the circumference using a circle with a diameter of 7 with a diameter?

diamiter X pi( 3.14...) in this case aprx. 21

If a circle has a diameter of 28 what is the circumference of it?

The circumference of a circle with a 28 unit diameter is: 88cir=dx22/7

What is the diameter of a circle if the circumference is 22?

The diameter is 7

What is the diameter of a circle if the circumference is 7 inches?

7/pi = diameter

How do you calculate the length of a diameter?

length(L) of the diameter is called as the circumference........... L=∏*D.........where ∏ is 'pi' and equivalent to 22/7. and 'D' is the diameter of the circle.

If the diameter of a circle is 7 inches what is the circumference?

circumference of a circle = pie times the diameter = 22/7 x diameter = 22/7 x 7 inches = 22 inches

What is the circumference of a 7 feet diameter circle?

The circumference of a 7 feet diameter circle is: about 21.99 feet.You can easily to this calculation for other circles by multiplying the diameter by Pi (about 3.1416). The result is the circle's diameter.

What is the circumference of a circle with diameter of 7?

The circumference is about 22 units.

What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 7 inches and Pi is 3.14?

The circumference of a circle if the diameter is 7 inches and Pi is 3.14 is: about 21.98 inches.