Note: numerator is the top part of the fraction, denominator is the bottom part.
1) Find a common denominator. It may be the least common denominator, but it need not be; just multiplying the denominators also gives you a common denominator, not necessarily the smallest one.
2) Convert each fraction so that it has this common denominator. This means multiplying numerator and denominator by the same number.
similar fraction is the same denominator and dissimilar fraction is cannot the same denominators
Similar fractions have the same denominator, dissimilar ones don't.
1. change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the L.C.D or the least common denominator. 2. add the whole numbers and write down the given denominator. 3. reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.
You have to convert them to equivalent similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first.
When their denominators are the same or different numbers.
You can compare similar fractions by looking at their numerators. You can compare dissimilar fractions by converting them to similar fractions and looking at their numerators. You can convert a dissimilar fraction to a similar fraction by finding the least common denominator.
similar fraction is the same denominator and dissimilar fraction is cannot the same denominators
Similar fractions have the same denominator, dissimilar ones don't.
Equivalent fractions have the same value. 3/4 is equivalent to 6/8 Similar fractions have the same denominator. 3/5 is similar to 4/5 Dissimilar fractions have different denominators. 4/7 is dissimilar to 11/16
Well, similar means the same and dissimilar means different, so the difference is that they are different.
Finding the lowest common denominator
1. change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the L.C.D or the least common denominator. 2. add the whole numbers and write down the given denominator. 3. reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.
For adding or substracting fractions first of all we should calculate the LCM( Lowest Common Multiplier) of the denominators in both of the fractions.
The answer is...Similar fractions are fractions that has the same Denominator.Example:1/6+4/6Dissimilar fractions are fractions with different Denominator.Example:6/12-9/10
You have to convert them to equivalent similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first.
Dissimilar fractions are fractions that have different denominators.
When their denominators are the same or different numbers.