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Suppose the total net sales in year 0 were S0 (in some currency units).

Also, y years later, total net sales were Sy.

Then percentage increase in sales over the y-year period = 100*(Sy/S0 -1)

So the average year-to-year percentage growth = 100*[(Sy/S0)1/y - 1].

Note that (Sy/S0)1/y is the yth root of the ratio of sales.

If y = 1, then the percentage growth is 100*(Y1/Y0 - 1)

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Q: How to determine year to year percentage annual growth in total net sales?
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To calculate percentage growth do the following three-step calculation. Let's say your sales this year were $1 million. Last year, your sales were $750,000. First, subtract last year's sales from this year's sales. So, $1 million - 750,000 = 250,000 Then, divide the answer by last year's sales. So 250,000/750,000 = .33 To express this as a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100 So .33 x 100 = 33 Your year-to-year percentage annual growth is 33%. Let's recap: (Current Sales - Previous Sales) / Previous Sales x 100 = Percentage Growth

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