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You need to take the magnitude of the cross-product of two position vectors.

For example, if you had points A, B, C, and D, you could take the cross product of AB and BC, and then take the magnitude of the resultant vector.

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Q: How to find the area of a parallelogram with given vertices's in a 3D figure?
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How do you Figure Area Of A Paralleogram?

You multiply the base and the height of the parallelogram.

What is the area of a parallelogram of 6m and 14M?

Not too sure of the given dimensions but the area of a parallelogram is length times perpendicular height.

Formula for unknown altitude of a parallelogram?

Hopefully you've been given the parallelogram's area. If so you can use the following formula: Area of parallelogram = base length x altitude therefore altitude = area of parallelogram (divided by) base length

What is the name of the parallelogram having the greatest area for a given perimeter?

A square.

What is the area of a parallelogram when the measurements are 60ft 20ft and 26ft?

Too many dimensions have been given because the area of a parallelogram is length times perpendicular height.

How do you calculate area of parallelogram with height and width given?

Multiply the height by the width

How do you find the area of a parallelogram if only the diagonal is given?

You cannot. There is not enough information.

Can a triangle have the same area as a parallelogram?

Any geometrical figure can have any area. Triangles can be constructed of any desired size, and so can parallelograms.

How do you figure out the area of a diamond?

Do exactly the same thing for a rhombus or a parallelogram A = base x height (parallelogram) OR A = 1/2 x diagonal 1 x diagonal 2

What is the area in square meters of a parallelogram whose base measures 20 meters and height measure to 12 meters?

The area of a parallelogram is given by the formula: area = base * height. Therefore, the area of the parallelogram with a base of 20 meters and a height of 12 meters will be 240 square meters.