Not really sure what you mean by "in english" but you if you meant in words:
two hundred fifty thousand
The number 250000 can be written in Roman numerals as [CCL]
Two hundred fifty thousand
As a number it is: 250,000 = a quarter of a million
8% of 250000 = 250000*8/100 = 20000
Rs. 250000
The number 250000 can be written in Roman numerals as [CCL]
250,000.00 INR
0.025 million = 25,000
$250,000.00Two hundred fifty thousand dollars
Two hundred fifty thousand
As a number it is: 250,000 = a quarter of a million
Two hundred fifty thousand and 00/100 dollars
80% of 250000 = .8 * 250000 = 20000
8% of 250000 = 250000*8/100 = 20000