Writing a mixed fraction as a decimal is easy. You will have to multiply both top and bottom by 10.
To write 6.07 as a mixed decimal, you need to express it as a whole number plus a decimal fraction. Since 6 is the whole number, and 0.07 is the decimal fraction, the mixed decimal form of 6.07 is 6 + 0.07.
write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal 3 over 4?
u can write it as a mixed number or a whole number
U find the place its in and write
Mixed fraction: 1 44/100 Decimal: 1.44
To write 6.07 as a mixed decimal, you need to express it as a whole number plus a decimal fraction. Since 6 is the whole number, and 0.07 is the decimal fraction, the mixed decimal form of 6.07 is 6 + 0.07.
Fraction: 219/20 Mixed number: 10 and 19/20
To write 6.6 as a mixed fraction, you first need to separate the whole number part and the decimal part. The whole number part is 6, and the decimal part is 0.6. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, you can write it as 6/10. Simplifying this fraction gives you 3/5. Therefore, 6.6 as a mixed fraction is 6 3/5.
write each fraction or mixed number as a decimal 3 over 4?
u can write it as a mixed number or a whole number
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. For a mixed number, you add the whole number to the fraction before converting to a decimal. Once you have the decimal, round to the nearest thousandth by looking at the fourth decimal place. For example, if you have 3/4, it is 0.75 as a decimal, which rounds to 0.750 to the nearest thousandth.
175: as a decimal = 175.0 as a mixed fraction = Ideally, it can't be converted into a mixed fraction.
U find the place its in and write
Convert it to an improper fraction and divide the denominator into the numerator.
Mixed fraction: 1 44/100 Decimal: 1.44
Keep the whole-number-part exactly as it is, and re-write the decimal part as a fraction.