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It was developed by Pathagoris which developed the Pythagorean Theorem and it is equal to 3.14159265 roughly.

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Q: How was pi developed?
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Which famous mathematician developed the symbol of pi?

English mathematician William Jones developed the symbol for Pi in 1706.William Jones

How was the symbol pi developed?

The symbol π (pi) is the lowercase form of the 16th Greek letter Pi (prononced pee).

Who developed the theory of pi?

William Jones ,a welsh mathematician....

Why did Archimedes discover PI?

He discovered it because he was a very great mathematician of ancient history. He was smart and developed the discovery of Pi to better the world as it is today.

Why was pi developed?

Preston said there is know such thing give up and go home

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Pi is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When did pi come around?

Pythagoras was a theory developed by a scientist who was greek and dutched all day long

How was the value of pi discovered?

Study of circles. It was derived by mathematicians(Greek?) who developed an infinite series to describe it.

What 19th century French Mathematician's work was later proof of the trancendance of Pi?

Charles Hermite was the 19th century French mathematician who developed the method to prove that pi is a transcendental number.

How do you calculate the pitch of a helix from a given helical slope?

The slope is the pitch divided by the developed circumference of the helix which is pi x diameter. Pitch = pi x diamter x slope

Who made up pi?

The earliest signs of the use of Pi was in the designs of the Old Kingdom pyramids in Egypt. Many divide the history of Pi into three periods: The ancient period during which Pi was studied in a geometrical manner, the classical era when Pi was fully developed after the creation of calculus in the 17th century and, most recently, the age of digital computers.

What year was pi created in?

One might say that pi was created when the universe was created. Ancient people have knew that there was a constant ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle and knew it was close to three. Better approximations were made as mathematics developed. The name of pi for this ration was not used until around 1700.