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God decided.

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Q: How was the hours of the day decided?
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Related questions

Why does the earth have 24 hours a day?

Because in the remote past, somebody decided to divide the day into 24 hours. At that time, people liked numbers with many factors.

How is the hours of the day totaled to 24 and not 25 or 26 hours?

Everything on the clock was invented by people. One of the things they decided was: We'll slice up the day into things called 'hours', and we'll have 24 of them.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Day I Finally Decided - 2013?

The cast of The Day I Finally Decided - 2013 includes: Joe Adler

Is a day really 24 hours long?

A day on Earth is 24 hours, a day on Mars is 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds, a day on Mercury is 1,407 hours, a day on Venus is 5,832 hours, a day on Jupiter is 9 hours and 50 minutes, a day on Saturn is 10 hours and 47 minutes, a day on Uranus is 16 hours and 7 minutes, a day on Neptune is 16 hours, and a day on Pluto is 144 hours.

Hours you a day?

24 hours in a day.

There are fifty hours in a day?

No, there are 24 hours a day

How many days and hours are in 107 hours?

There are 24 hours/day so 107 hours ÷ 24 hours/day = 4 day 11 hours.

How many hours and 1 day?

If you mean "how many hours are IN one day", then there are 24 hours in a day.

Is there 12 hours in a day?

there are 24 hours in a day

Are their 50 hours in a day?

no there are 24 hours in a day

23 hours a day?

no there are not 23 hours in a day

How many hours in 3 quarters of a day?