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Q: How water plane area calculated?
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How do find the area of a plane figure?

Area of plane figure

Area and perimeter of plane figures?

the area and perimeter of the plane figures are square ,rectangle

What is area of plane in math?

In general, the plane is infinite in length and breadth and so infinite in area.

What is the definition of cross sectional area of a river?

It is the area of the plane (the surface) covered by the water in the river channel. It is the product of the width of the channel, and the average depth of the river

Area is calculated in dimensions and volume is calculated in dimensions?

area is 2, volume is 3

How calculate covered area in meter?

Meter is a unit of length and not area, so area can not be calculated in meters. Area can be calculated in square meters.

How do you get surface area?

surface area can be calculated by covering the object with a paper or cloth and then measuring its area. cloth or paper's area can be easily calculated through simple mathematics formulas. also if problem occurs in the calculation due to shape divide the cloth in pieces to get the area. Depends what you are measuring. For a simple, flat plane, rectangular, it's length times breadth. For a sphere is 4 x pi x r squared. Where r is the radius of the sphere.

Why jet skis will not plane out of the water?

Without water, it's impossible for a jet ski to plane. There would be nothing to plane on.

How is the surface area-to-volume to a cell calculated?

Surface area and volume calculated separately. Then the ratio is taken

How do you work out area of a triangular prism?

The area of such a prism is Bh/3, where B is the base area, and h is the height (perpendicular to the plane that contains the base area).The area of such a prism is Bh/3, where B is the base area, and h is the height (perpendicular to the plane that contains the base area).The area of such a prism is Bh/3, where B is the base area, and h is the height (perpendicular to the plane that contains the base area).The area of such a prism is Bh/3, where B is the base area, and h is the height (perpendicular to the plane that contains the base area).

How do you measure volume of prisms?

Assuming the cross-section of the prism is such that its area is easily calculated, Volume of prism = Cross-sectional area * length If not, the most effective way is to submerge it in water and measure the volume of water displaced.

Area is the measurement of?

The measure of area is Lebesgue measure on the plane.