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0o and 100o were arbitrarily allocated to the freezing and boiling points of water respectively.

This gave a range of 100o which was thought to be adequate for its time.

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Q: How were 100'c and 0'c determent?
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Who is andrius Celsius?

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At 100°C, water boils and changes from a liquid to a gas. It is the boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure.

Why would a 0C to 100C thermometer be useless to a doctor examining a patient?

It would not be accurate enough. The clinical thermometer works over a limited range and gives accurate more readings. It would be useful. The temperature of patients rarely drop below freezing and they rarely boil. It would be useless to measure the temperature of food though because food is often cooked above 100C.

Water from 0 to 100 Celsius?

Water takes the state of liquid (water) between 0 and 100 degrees celsius.

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to determent past climates

What was Samuel Adams traits?

Um... strong-willed and determent.