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Our Moon's maria are currently believed to have been formed by ancient volcanic eruptions.

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Q: How were the lunar maria probably formed?
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What is maria on moon made of?

The lunar maria are large, dark, basaltic plains, formed by ancient volcanic eruptions

What are most rocks in the lunar Maria made of?

Most rocks in the lunar Maria are made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock that is rich in iron and magnesium. These rocks formed from lava flows that erupted from the Moon's interior billions of years ago.

What are dark places on the moon called?

Dark places on the moon are called lunar maria, which are large, flat, dark-colored basaltic plains formed by ancient volcanic activity. These areas contrast with the brighter highlands on the moon's surface.

Dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

The dark-colored, relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called lunar maria. These areas appear darker than the surrounding highlands due to their lower reflectivity and lack of craters. The lunar maria are thought to have formed from ancient volcanic activity on the moon.

What probably caused mountains to form around the edges of the maria?

Mountains likely formed around the edges of the lunar maria due to the crustal uplift that occurred from the impact events that created the basins. These impacts caused the crust to rebound and push upwards, creating mountainous regions around the edges.

What are the flat areas on the moon called?

The flat areas on the moon are called lunar maria. They are dark plains formed by ancient volcanic activity and are visible from Earth as dark patches on the moon's surface.

Are lunar mares younger than the craters that sit in them?

Yes, lunar mares are younger than the craters that formed in them. Lunar mares are vast, flat areas filled with solidified lava flows, while craters are formed by impacts from meteoroids. The dark-colored mare areas are generally younger because they filled in older, pre-existing craters.

What formed when ancient lava reaches the moon and filled its craters?

When ancient lava reached the moon and filled its craters, it formed dark, flat plains known as lunar maria. These maria were created by volcanic activity billions of years ago and are large, smooth areas visible on the moon's surface.

What is maria made of on the moon?

Maria on the moon are large, dark, basaltic plains formed from ancient volcanic eruptions. They are composed primarily of basalt, a type of volcanic rock rich in iron and magnesium. The maria are distinct from the lighter colored highlands on the moon's surface.

Lunar basin or plain?

A Maria.

What is the name for lunar plains?


The dark smooth plains on the moon are called?

The dark smooth plains on the moon are called lunar maria. They are vast, flat areas formed by ancient volcanic activity. Maria is the Latin word for "seas," as they were once believed to be bodies of water.