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You'll find her G spot someday son

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Q: How will you compare the theoretical value of G with the experimental values you obtained?
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Do the experimental and theoretical values of voltages and currents agree?


What are the factors that affected the difference between theoretical and experimental values?

mostly, how good your theory is. Remember, experimental values are from reality.

Why is the theoretical value differ from the experimental value that you obtained from the current?

The theoretical value is based on calculations and predictions made prior to the experiment, taking into consideration ideal conditions, assumptions, and factors. The experimental value is obtained through actual measurements during the experiment, which can be influenced by various sources of error such as equipment limitations, environmental factors, human error, or unknown variables. Discrepancies between theoretical and experimental values are common and can provide valuable insights into the accuracy and limitations of the theoretical model.

Are the values of experimental and theoretical probability same?

Absolutely not. Experimental is practical and theoretically anything is possible.

What is used as a way to compare values for a dependent variables in many experiments?

experimental control

What is used as way to compare values for dependant variables in many experiments?

experimental control

What is used in a way to compare values for dependent variables in many experiment?

experimental control

How do you compute a percent error?

% error = |experimental value - theoretical value|/theoretical value * 100% It is the absolute value of the differe nce betwee n the experime ntal a nd theoretical values divided by the theoretical value multiplied by 100%.

Why theory value is less than experiment value?

Theoretical values are based on mathematical models and ideal conditions, whereas experimental values are obtained through actual observations in the real world, which can be influenced by various factors such as measurement errors, environmental conditions, and experimental limitations. Differences between theoretical and experimental values can arise due to these factors and the inherent complexity of real-world phenomena.

Was the Quantum Theory ever tested?

yes, it is the best tested theory there is. Theoretical and Experimental values agree to about 9 digits of accuracy.

What are the some possible reasons for any differences between the measured and theoretical values?

Possible reasons for differences between measured and theoretical values include experimental errors, uncertainties in measurements, limitations of the theoretical model used, incomplete data, and external factors affecting the system being studied. Additionally, human error, equipment malfunctions, and environmental conditions can also contribute to discrepancies between measured and theoretical values.

Why is the experimental value different from the theoretical value?

Several factors can cause differences between experimental and theoretical values, such as experimental error, variability in materials or instruments used, external factors affecting the experiment, or limitations in the theoretical model itself. Additionally, human error during the experimental process can impact the accuracy of the results compared to the theoretical value.