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Q: How will you write 14 minutes to 11 in the morning in a 24 hour clock?
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How do you write ten to one in the morning in 12 hour clock?

10:00 AM

What time is 0941?

On a 24 hour clock, 09:41 is 19 minutes to 10 o'clock (in the morning, so is 09:41am).

How will you write 28 minutes to 11 in the morning in 24 hours?

In the morning means it is am. So it is 10:32 (in 24 hour)

What is 07 10 in 12 hour?

It can be 7:10am or 7:10pm on a 12 hour clock.

What time was the first clock made?

The first mechanical clocks are believed to have been invented in the 14th century. These early timekeeping devices were large and often placed in public places like churches or town squares. Prior to this, people would tell time based on the position of the sun in the sky.

How do you write 10 minutes to 6 in the evening in figures?

Expressed in the twelve hour clock, 10 to 6 in the evening is 5:50pm.Expressed in the twenty-four hour clock, 10 to 6 in the evening is 17:50.

What time is it half an hour before eleven o' clock?

In England this would be referred to as '10;30' or 'half past ten'. On the am/pm clock you would write 10:30 am ( morning) or 10:30 pm (evening) On the 24 hour clock it is 1030 hrs (for morning) or 2230 hrs ( evening).

What is 0050 normal time?

Normal time? 0050 is 50 minutes after midnight - based on the 24 hour clock system. Or it could be classed as being ten minutes to one o'clock in the morning (am).

How many divisions are there on a clock face?

Three faces of clock hour ,minutes,

One night when the electricity went out a girl's clock stopped at 739pm.When she woke up the next morning her clock read 634am. But it was really 811am. For how long was the electricity off?

1 hour and 37 minutes.

How many minutes does the minute hand take to move in an hour on a clock?

60 Minutes

Does the short hand on a clock indicate the minutes?

No, it shows the hour.