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Q: How is five minutes past nine in the morning shown on a 24-hours clock?
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How is five minutes past nine in the morning shown on a 24 hours clock?


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When is the best time off day to exercise?

The morning. It is shown that you burn more fat running for 20 minutes in the morning than running for 30 minutes later on in the day

What does a clock look like?

There are three types of clock forms.FIRST TYPE: Digital Clock -- Says the hour:minutes am/pm.Example: 11:30amExample: 12:30pmSECOND TYPE: Analog clock that uses hands on a circular face to point at hours and minutes around the circumference of the clock face. The minutes are rarely marked on the clock face. The hours are often shown with the numbers 1 to 12 although some have only 3, 6, 9 and 12 shown.

What time is 11 before 8?

7:49 as shown on the clock display or "49 minutes past 7 o'clock" ==============

Clock falling off the wall?

There are several reasons why a clock could fall off a wall. A door could of made the clock fall or a loose nail.

What is 8 o clock pm shown on the 24 hour clock?

2000 hrs

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What is 9 o clock pm shown on the 24 hour clock?


How would quarter past four in the afternoon be shown on a twenty -four hour on a digital clock?

Quarter past four in the afternoon is the same as 4:15 pm.On a digital clock it could be shown as 4:15 with a pm indicator or 16:15On a 24 hour clock it would always be shown as 16:15

Different ways to write time shown on a clock?
