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1°C = 1K.

So the scales would be identical.

However, 0K is absolute zero, or -273.15°C.


So, while the scales are identical, the start point is different. And, the lines would also be off by a fraction of a degree.

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Q: How would a thermometer that measures temperatures using the kelvin scale differ from one that measures temperatures using the celsius scale?
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How would a thermometer that measures temperatures on the Kelvin scale differ from one that measures temperatures on the c Laius scale?

A thermometer that measures temperatures on the Kelvin scale would have its zero point at absolute zero (-273.15°C), while one that measures temperatures on the Celsius scale has its zero point at the freezing point of water (0°C). Additionally, Kelvin is an absolute scale with no negative values, while Celsius has both positive and negative values.

How would a thermometer has measure temperatures using the kelvin scale differ from one that measure temperatures using the celsius scale?

A thermometer measuring in Kelvin scale would have its zero point at absolute zero (0 K), where all molecular motion ceases. In contrast, a thermometer measuring in Celsius scale has its zero point at the freezing point of water (0°C). To convert between the two scales, you would need to add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature to get the Kelvin temperature.

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