Mainly because regions at higher latitudes receive less sunlight.
temperatures differ from thermal energy because differ because thermal energy is the total energy of all particles in an object and temperature is a measure of the average energy of random motion of particles of matter.
The different temperatures from different areas.
1°C = 1K. So the scales would be identical. However, 0K is absolute zero, or -273.15°C. 0°C=273.15K So, while the scales are identical, the start point is different. And, the lines would also be off by a fraction of a degree.
Sea temperatures will affect temperatures on the island location whatever the direction of the prevalent winds whereas the coastal location will be affected only under some wind direction.
Ranches can differ in all different sizes.
Differ is a verb and different is an adjective.
temperatures differ from thermal energy because differ because thermal energy is the total energy of all particles in an object and temperature is a measure of the average energy of random motion of particles of matter.
It is a liquid at normal temperatures and pressure.
Because they have different chemical properties and boil at different temperatures
Heat and energy from low lattitudes
Afghanistan is noth of the equator.
There are many different grasslands on the planet. Their temperatures differ mainly because of latitude differences. The Serengeti in Africa has an average temperature of about 20 degrees celsius/68 degrees Fahrenheit
The base word of "different" is "differ." "Different" is derived from the word "differ" by adding the suffix "-ent" to it.
No. No one lives there so there is no need for it. They do have the moon mapped out with lattitudes and longitudes.
water is salty and temperatures differ
Dissimilarities in climate and geography are reasons why temperatures in Brisbane, Australia, differ from those in London, England. For example, the first-mentioned city displays impacts from location and weather in the southern hemisphere whereas the second-mentioned city receives northern hemisphere influences.