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Q: How would find the average speed of a cyclist throughout an entire race?
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How would you find the average speed of a cyclist are out in entire race?

To find the average speed of a cyclist over an entire race, you would divide the total distance covered by the cyclist by the total time taken to complete the race. This calculation will give you the cyclist's average speed throughout the race.

How do you find the average speed of a cyclist throughout an entire race?

To find the average speed of a cyclist throughout an entire race, you would divide the total distance covered by the cyclist by the total time taken to complete the race. This will give you the average speed in units such as miles per hour or kilometers per hour.

How would you find the average speed of cyclist throughout a entire race?

You would divide the total distance covered in the race by the total time taken to complete the race to find the average speed of the cyclist throughout the entire race. This calculates the overall speed taking into account any stops or breaks during the race.

How would you find the average speed of a cyclist throughout an entire races?

Velocity, you divide distance/time Hi my names bob.

How would you find the average speed of a cyclist through an entire?

You measure the entire and divide that by the total.

How would you find the average speed of an cyclist during an entire race?

Find the distance of the race. Find the cyclist's start time. Find the cyclist's finish time. Elapsed time = Finish time - Start time. Average speed = Distance/Elapsed time.

How would yo find the speed of cyclist during entire race?

The actual speed can change all the time. You can calculate the average speed by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time.

If A cyclist bikes x distance at 10 miles per hour and returns over the same path at 8 miles per hour. What is the cyclist's average rate for the round trip in miles per hour?

The average speed for the entire trip is 9mph.

How do you find the average speed of a cyclist?

To find the average speed of a cyclist, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. For example, if a cyclist covers 30 miles in 2 hours, the average speed would be 15 miles per hour (30 miles divided by 2 hours).

How do you find average speed in cyclist?

To find the average speed of a cyclist, you would divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to cover that distance. For example, if a cyclist rides 20 miles in 2 hours, the average speed would be 10 miles per hour (20 miles / 2 hours = 10 mph).

If a cyclist takes 4 hours to travel 72 miles what is the cyclist and average speed in miles per hour?


Why is the average speed less than the top speed?

The average speed takes into account the entire duration of the movement, including periods of acceleration and deceleration. The top speed is the maximum value achieved at a specific instant, which may not be sustained over the entire movement. Therefore, the average speed will be lower than the top speed due to variations in speed throughout the movement.