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Q: How would number solutions for an equation with two variables differ from the equation with one variable?
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How does a function differ from an equation?

A function is a rule to calculate a variable, based on one or more other variables. It may be written as an equation, but unlike a generic equation, in a function, for every value of the input variables, it may ONLY have ONE result.

How do you use variable in a sentence?

Variable means subject to change, able to vary or differ. Example : "In summer, the mountain weather was always variable." In algebra, a variable is a symbol, usually a letter, that represents one or more unknown or changing number. Example : "The variable is found using the proper equation."

What is a continuous variable?

A continuous variable is one that can assume different values between each point. Put as an example (e.g when looking at height) one can assume a height of 178, 178.1, 178.2. . . 178.9. Thus continuous variables can be used when looking at time or length for example. Continuous variables will differ from discrete variables which assume a fixed value for example number of times you take a shower, how many cars you have or how many kids in a family. Values can not be specified as decimals (e.g. you can not have 1.2 cars or 2.7 kids in a family).

What are the two types of variables and how do they differ?

The two types of variables are: independent variables and dependent variables.Independent variables are variables (ideally only one or very few per experiment) that the experimenter manipulates in the experiment. For example, if you were testing the effect of temperature on plant growth rates, you would likely have similar plants in similar conditions but in areas with different temperatures. The experimenter is changing the temperature between the groups of plants, so the temperature would be the independent variable.The dependent variables are the effects the independent variable has on the experimental subjects. They are changes not being directly controlled or manipulated by the experimenter. In the above temperature vs. plant growth example, the rate of plant growth would be the dependent variable; it depends on the temperature.

How to solve vf vi plus at equation steps?

vf=vi+at equation can be solved by substituting the letters in the equation with there actual values where vf is the finall velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration and t is the time.

Related questions

How does a function differ from an equation?

A function is a rule to calculate a variable, based on one or more other variables. It may be written as an equation, but unlike a generic equation, in a function, for every value of the input variables, it may ONLY have ONE result.

How does concentration differ in a solution?

Concentration is very variable in solutions.

How do you know when an equation has infinitely many solutions or no solution?

They Are infinitely many solutions for an equation when after solving the equation for a variable(let us suppose x),we get the expression 0 = 0. Or Simply L.H.S = R.H.S For Ex. x+3=3+x x can have any value positive or negative, rational or irrational, it doesn't matter the sequence will be infinite. And No Solutions when after solving the equations the expression obtained is unequal For Ex. x+3=x+5 for every value of x, The Value in L.H.S And R.H.S. will differ. Hence It Has No Solutions.

What is ex-post facto design?

Ex Post Facto (also called Causal Comparative Research) is useful whenever: • We have two groups which differ on an independent variable and we want to test hypotheses about differences on one or more dependent variables OR • We have two groups which already differ on a dependent variable and we want to test hypotheses about differences on one or more independent variables

What is ex-post-facto design?

Ex Post Facto (also called Causal Comparative Research) is useful whenever: • We have two groups which differ on an independent variable and we want to test hypotheses about differences on one or more dependent variables OR • We have two groups which already differ on a dependent variable and we want to test hypotheses about differences on one or more independent variables

What is the basic difference between algebraic expression and polynomial?

A polynomial is a type of algebraic expression. They differ in the number of terms that contain variables. An algebraic expression has at least 1 variable, while a polynomial has multiple terms with variables in it.

How do variables and symbollic names differ?

Variables are storage areas that hold data that can vary during the execution of a program. A symbolic name is the name given to any entity in a program, including variables, constants, functions, procedures and various other stuff.

How do you use variable in a sentence?

Variable means subject to change, able to vary or differ. Example : "In summer, the mountain weather was always variable." In algebra, a variable is a symbol, usually a letter, that represents one or more unknown or changing number. Example : "The variable is found using the proper equation."

How does solving a literal equation differ from solving a linear equation?

Because linear equations are based on algebra equal to each other whereas literal equations are based on solving for one variable.

What is the term for a concept that has a value that changes from case to case?

The term for a concept that has a value that changes from case to case is "variable." In the context of research or analysis, variables are factors that can differ between individuals or situations and can influence outcomes or results.

Are you allowed to use a variable twice in an equation?

If they have the same exponential power, then you should just be able to add/subtract them. Yet if the powers differ, you are not allowed to add/subtract them. If the two variables are of different names, you have to leave them separate. Example: 3x+7x=50 10x=50 x=5 2x-5y=89 (you cannot combine x's and y's; therefore, you cannot find an exact value for either variable)

Two solutions have equal volumns but differ in mass how can you tell which one is denser without using an equation?

If you combine them, the more dense solution should sit on the bottom.