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In the first case you will get 1+3%*5 = 1.15 times the capital.

In the second, you will get 1+0.25%*5 = 1.0125 times the capital

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Q: How would the total payment on a 5-year loan at 3 percent annual simple interest compare with the total payment on a 5-year loan where one-twelfth of that simple interest 0.25 percent is calculated?
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Why do principle and interest varies over time?

The answer is called amortization. In a typical loan payment, interest is calculated based on the outstanding principle balance. When the periodic payment remains constant the amount of that payment allocated to interest declines as the principle balance is reduced.

What is monthly interest payment on a 50000 loan for 7 years at 9 percent?

The answer depends on how frequently the interest is calculated. If it is calculated only at the start, then 1088.12.If it is calculated annually on the outstanding balance, then 827.88If it is calculated monthly on the outstanding balance, then 795.58

What does an amortization table show me?

An amortization table is a report of all pertinent information regarding a loan including the terms of the loan and a list of each calculated loan payment. Each loan payment entry could show:the amount of principal due as of this paymentamount of the paymentportion of payment used as interest (the amount of interest in this payment)portion of payment that reduces the principal for the next payment entry

How is accrued interest calculated?

Accrued interest is usually calculated like this: Accrued interest = face value of the bonds x coupon rate x factor. Coupon = Annual interest rate/Number of payments. Factor = time coupon is held after last payment/time between coupon payments.

What is a simple interest loan and how does it work?

Interest is calculated day to day from payment receipt to payment receipt. The due date only has to do with reporting to credit. I suggest if you have one of these types of loans you should be on a monthly draft with your lender. Payments are split to Interest 1st (calculated on the unpaid balance on a per diam rate), escrow (if you have it), interest deficit (if you have accumulated one), then to Principal. If you made a payment on Jan 1, and didnt make another till Feb 15th, that's 45 days of interest you are going to have to pay. If that interest charge is more then the amount of money you send-- you have an interest deficit. You will get NO money to principal until that deficit is paid back.

How do you convert diminishing rate of interest to flat rate of interest?

Converting the flat rate of interest to diminishing rate and vice versa takes into account the payments the loan entails. Flat interest rates reflect the amount of interest you will pay if no payments over time are made. Diminishing interest rate factors in that after a payment is made, your over all loan balance will be less, there for your next payment will have slightly less principal balance for interest to be calculated on.

How do you treat interest on advance payment of tax in financial statements?

there is no interest on advance payment of tax

Why is it unwise to only pay the minimum amount on a credit card?

Only paying the minimum amount (depending on how much you owe, your interest rate, and how your minimum payment is calculated) will take you years to pay off in which time it is most likely that you will have paid more in interest than you owed to begin with. For example, $5000 balance owed with an interested rate of 20%, with a credit card whose minimum payment is calculated: interest rate + 1% of balance, therefore a minimum payment of $133.33, will take you over 23 years to pay off and by that time you will have paid over $7,700 in interest alone!

Calculate monthly payment?

the monthly payment is calculated based on the following: 1. loan amount 2. loan interest rate 3. term of loan Use the easy loan calculator below with your own figures.

Why is there more interest paid at the beginning of a loan period than at the end?

In a simple interest loan, you are paying interest on the amount of money you have borrowed in each payment period. When you make a payment, a certain amount of it goes to repay the loan, reducing the principle. In the next payment period, your interest is being calculated on a smaller amount borrowed. In the first payment, you are paying interest on the entire amount borrowed. In the next payment, you are paying interest on the amount borrowed minus the principle amount from the first payment. That's why paying extra principle early in the life of a loan can make a big difference in the time it takes to pay it off. In a 30 year home mortgage for example, in the first year the principle will be reduced by about the amount of one month's payment. If you make an extra payment toward the priniciple equal to one month's payment, you will have effectively gained an entire year in the retirement of the loan.

How would a balloon payment effect interest on a loan?

how would a balloon payment effect interest on a loan

How does one collect their accrued interest?

Accrued interest is obtained when the payment is received to the borrower. When the payment is received, interest is then realized and deposited into your account.