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Q: How would the x and y coordinates are related to the direction and the objects moves?
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How are x and y coordinates related to the direction an object moves?

by reading each # ps i don't know if im right dont belive me !!

What direction do objects moves when a force like push is applied?

It moves in the direction of the force acting on it.

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When an object is pulled, it moves in the direction of what is pulling it.

Is wind related to pushing things?

Wind is the movement of air caused by differences in air pressure. When the air moves, it can push objects in its path. The force of the wind pushing against objects depends on its speed and direction.

Is everything pushed or are objects also pulled?

Objects can be both pushed and pulled. When an object moves in a direction away from the force applied, it is considered to have been pushed. Conversely, when an object moves in the direction of the force applied, it is considered to have been pulled.

What will happen to an objects spectrum as the object moves away from you?

the spectrum change with direction, either from you or away

How the x and y coordinates are related to the direction an object moves explain?

They are related becasue they descibe a point on the coordinate. The X coordinate determine if the direction is east or west. If it is in negatives, the point is west and if in the positives, it is in the east. The Y coordinates determine if a point is north or south. If it is in the negatives, the point is south and if it is in the positives, the point is in the north. For example if the X coordinate is 5 and the y coordinate is -15, the point would be 5 degrees east and 15 degrees south. I hope this helped.

What two things need to happen for there to be work done on an object?

Work is done on an object when a force is applied to the object and the object moves in the same direction as the force.

Food moves in what direction?

Peristalsis moves food in one direction.

Peristalsis moves food in what direction?

Peristalsis moves food in one direction.

What do you call the motion when a planet heads in the opposite direction?

A planet's predominant movement (NOT the daily movement related to Earth's rotation, but the apparent movement compared to the background stars) is from west to east. If a planet moves in this direction it is said to be "prograde", if it moves in the opposite direction, it is said to be "retrograde".

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Air resistance