To calculate the hours and minutes worked you could simply start a timer when you get to work and stop it when you leave. Do this every day until it is time to turn in your hours and minutes worked. The amount on the timer will be your total.
5 hours
since there are 60 minutes in one hour then 40 minutes is 40/60 = 2/3 hour = 0.667 hours, so 9 hours and 40 minutes is 9.667 hours
The answer will depend on how many days in a week you work. Multiply 2 hours and 40 minutes by that number.
18 fourte
2 hours, 25 minutes
To calculate the hours and minutes worked you could simply start a timer when you get to work and stop it when you leave. Do this every day until it is time to turn in your hours and minutes worked. The amount on the timer will be your total.
5 hours, 30 minutes.
20 hours, 32 minutes
5 hours
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this: I think if you put 9.25 hours, you would be correct in saying that 9 and a quarter hours (or 9 hours and 15 minutes) is how long you worked.
Well total hours worked would be 10 hours. you cannot count 4 minutes towards an 11th hour.
since there are 60 minutes in one hour then 40 minutes is 40/60 = 2/3 hour = 0.667 hours, so 9 hours and 40 minutes is 9.667 hours
The answer will depend on how many days in a week you work. Multiply 2 hours and 40 minutes by that number.
(worked_it_out_myself)">about 3 hours and 35 minutes (worked it out myself)220 minutes is exactly 3 hours and 40 minutes. 60 minutes (one hour each) times 3 = 180. 40 minutes remain.
18 fourte
There are 12.05 hours or 12 hours and 3 minutes in 723 minutes. If you are billing a client for hours then you have worked more then 12 hours, so you can legitimately bill 13 hours. Paxton Galvanek Partner & CEO Galvanek & Wahl Advertising Agency